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Fall Fever: Indian summer Friday brings last 70s?

Fall Fever

"Hey boss, I've come down with a sudden fever."

How about a prerecorded loop from swamped HR departments now. Maybe a preemptive strike Mrs. corporate CEO?

"Due to an outbreak of Fall Fever we encourage all employees to work from home today. Thank you."

Yes, Friday will be worthy of a new malady in Minnesota, Fall Fever.

Fog will greet many in eastern Minnesota and Wisconsin as you wake up Friday morning. The fog blanket should be dense in some pockets of the St. Croix and Mississippi River valleys, but should burn off as we approach midday.

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NWS La Crosse

Yes, Friday may be the last 70-plus degree day of the year in some Minnesota communities including the Twin Cities metro. A warm "thermal ridge" sets up shop over the Midwest Friday afternoon with widespread 70s and even some 80 degree temperatures as you head toward Omaha, Nebraska, and Kansas.

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Get out there people!

Good looking weekend

Friday's warmth is courtesy of a Pacific warm front sailing in from the west. A cool front slides through by Saturday, but this front is also of Pacific origin and temps this weekend will still run above average. My kind of cool front.

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Here's a more detailed weekend breakdown, which includes plenty of sun and highs in the lower 60s for the metro. Throw in the potential for a much needed soaking rain on a Monday and you've got a pretty good looking forecast.

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Frosty Halloween?

The medium range models seem to be coming around to the initial preliminary notions I had for the Halloween forecast a week ago. It's still early, but both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts  are trending colder for trick-or-treaters next Friday.

We'll see. This may be a bit overdone for cold.

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Second Conference on Climate Adaptation

Friday is the last day for early registration for next months Second Climate Adaptation Conference at the Hyatt in Minneapolis. Mark Seeley has more in this week's Weather Talk.

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Topic:  Last day for early registration fees to the November 6th Climate Adaptation Conference

Early registration rates (just $95/person and $65/student) end on Friday (October 24th) for the Second Annual Conference on Climate Adaptation, "Building Minnesota's Capacity for Climate Adaptation" to be held November 6, 2014 at the Hyatt in Minneapolis.  After October 24th registration rates will go up by $25.

Keynote speakers include Dr. Harold Brooks from the NOAA Severe Storms Laboratory in Oklahoma and Steve Adams from the Institute for Sustainable Communities.  In addition there will be many fine speakers at the break-out sessions on watershed management, ecosystems, agriculture, public health, community planning, recreation, and tourism. To register you can call 612-624-7452 or go on-line to:
