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Halloween week chill, a shot at 60 next week?

The other shoe has come down with a thud across Minnesota this week. At least it wasn't a boot.

Temperatures crashed more than 20 degrees from early this week. The chilly air mass lasts into the weekend. Here's a quick snapshot of the new temperature reality from the Twin Cities NWS.

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The next big blue "H" drops south on Halloween over Minnesota with an even colder shot of reinforcing Canadian air. The good news? The center of the high pressure system settles over Minnesota just about trick or treat time. That should help keep winds light Friday evening. Note the green paint over California and the West Coast as some much needed rainfall moves ashore.

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Hard freeze

The coldest temperature at MSP Airport this season so far is 31 degrees on October 11. That means many locations in the inner metro core still haven't seen a hard freeze, which means temperatures of 28 degrees or colder for at least three hours. Yes, there are still some roses and other blooms on the vine in the metro.

That will change by Friday and Saturday morning, when temperatures bottom out in the mid to upper 20s even in the metro core.

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Here's a more detailed forecast breakdown through the weekend. Winds howl again as the next front drops south Thursday night into early Friday. Winds should ease as Halloween night approaches. Temperatures moderate toward 50 degrees this weekend.

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The longer range maps hint at one more shot of Indian summer late next week. Temperatures in the 50s look likely and we may take a run at 60 one more time in the metro and southern Minnesota by next Friday or Saturday.

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So far I don't see any hint of significant snow in the next two weeks.

Stay tuned!