Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Early winter chill to continue, snow likely south

Temperatures dropped below zero over portions of Minnesota last night. The favored area was from around Little Falls to Benson, where both locations reported a minimum reading of 8 below around daybreak.

The Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport checked in with a low of 8 degrees; 19 degrees below the normal low of 27 for November 14.


While temperatures remained well below the seasonal normals today, sunshine left the impression of warmth from the window view.


The visible satellite image from mid-morning nicely displayed the snow-covered landscape across the Upper Midwest. Upon close inspection, rivers and large lakes were nicely depicted. Patchy clouds were hard to discern, blending in with the blanket of snow.

Temperatures are likely to continue tumbling this evening under mostly clear skies and rather light winds. Sub-zero temperatures are a good possibility in central Minnesota early Saturday morning.


Snow predicted for Saturday still looks to be on track for southern Minnesota. The Twin Cities will remain on the north edge and is expecting only minor accumulations Saturday afternoon and evening.


Snow amounts are forecast to dwindle as the snowfall moves to southeast Minnesota Saturday afternoon.

National weather map for noon on Saturday. Image:National Weather Service.

There is not much moisture to work with and this is not a major weather-maker. But the cold air will allow for a fluffy accumulation that will ice over roadways. Be cautions when traveling on Saturday. Use your headlights in precipitation and be ready for changing road conditions.


Another cold day is in store for Sunday, with an icy blast of arctic air arriving Sunday night.  Blustery conditions on Monday are likely to deliver the coldest windchill readings of this early winter season.

Sunday's maximum temperatures.

Long Johns might be in order for Monday. Here's a look at the feels-like temperature at 6 a.m. CST on Monday.


A large part of the U.S. will be shivering in the cold on Tuesday, with Minnesota situated near the core of the chill.


I'll turn the challenge of finding a November thaw over to Paul Huttner for next week.