Pedal Hub: A poster party for bike people

Brian Geihl's poster
Brian Geihl submitted a poster to the 2013 ARTCRANK show after being inspired by looking at his bike. A detail of the poster shows the Minneapolis skyline in the wheel.

Minneapolis-based ARTCRANK has become an international phenomenon with its mashup of beer, bikes and cycle-inspired art.

Founder Charles Youel joined the Pedal Hubbers to tell the ARTCRANK story (a certain renegade co-host played a key role), discuss why bike posters have captured imaginations at home and abroad, and clue us in on what to expect at this year's ARTCRANK. The event is set for Saturday, June 6 at Fulton Brewery in northeast Minneapolis.

We'll also hear about an exciting new phase in ARTCRANK's evolution.

And, we'll ruminate on how we express ourselves through cycling, and what the limits of that expression are.