
Mailbag: An Iwo Jima flag raiser

"Giz' Maxell at his recent birthday party. Photo courtesy of Susan Davis.

When Raymond Jacobs died in California at 82 years of age in 2008, and Charles Charles W. Lindberg of Richfield died a few months before at 86, we thought that was the end of the guys who raised the flag on Iwo Jima, before the re-enactment made famous by the Joe Rosenthal photo.


So we were delighted to hear this week -- thanks to the Internet -- that "Giz" Maxwell will be spending this Memorial Day weekend very much alive. Though he wasn't in either of the two famous photos, he was in the patrol that raised the flag, his granddaughter, Susan Davis, writes.

And he is in a picture Joe Rosenthal took a few minutes later.

Hello Mr. Collins,

My grandfather, Eldred Maxwell "Gizmo" was one of the original flag raisers there that day in Iwo Jima. He has told me the story several times and I couldn't ever find physical proof. He turned 90 this past December and still splits his own wood and cuts his own grass. Anyway, I was looking through the Iwo Jima flag raising photos for something for Memorial Day for my business and decided to see if I could zoom in enough to be able to pick him out of the small group. He sticks out since he is generally the smallest in any photo, he is on the far left of the group photo, his shirt even has his given nick name "Gizmo" printed on it. He was in the Navy though... But he is clear as day there on the left of the photo. (and most everyone knows him as "Giz Maxwell")

Anyway, I am writing to you because it was the photos from your Feb 4, 2008 story that I was able to zoom in enough to see him. But I hope that this brightens your day. And I may be mistaken of some of the details... but I am writing you through tear filled eyes as I look at my grandpa celebrating there in the photo. It is him. And he is alive and well in Acworth, GA.

If you have any questions please feel free to email or call me.

If not that is fine too.

I have attached the photos for reference (though I am sure you don't need them)


More: After 70 years, Iwo Jima flag debate still simmers | NewsCut | Minnesota Public Radio News.