Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Warm and humid air mass spawning some thundershowers

It doesn't take much energy aloft to spin up showers and thunderstorms in this sultry air mass. I can't rule out scattered late afternoon and evening thundershower close to the Twin Cities metro area.

The visible satellite image showed a thickening cloud cover advancing over central Minnesota with embedded showers and thundershowers.

Image:NOAA/College of Dupage

This screen capture of the radar returns was taken at 1:17 p.m.

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Imzge: Wunderground.com

Thunderstorms are most likely later in the day on Saturday and Sunday. An approaching cold front is expected to trigger more a more widespread rain event on Sunday.

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Precpitation potential Saturday night and Sunday. Image;Weather Prediction Center.

Early this afternoon, temperatures were generally in the upper 70s to middle 80s with dew points in the 60s to middle 70s. Temperatures at 1 p.m. ranged from 90 degrees in western Minnesota at Montevideo to 64 at Duluth Harbor.

Lower dew  points and more seasonal temperatures arrive on Labor Day.