Minnesota to spot check college bars for underage drinking, gambling

Pints of beer and card game
State officials are stepping up random compliance checks throughout the fall at bars on and around Minnesota college campuses.
Jeffrey Thompson | MPR News 2013

State officials plan to spend the fall college party season looking for underage drinking and illegal sports betting at bars on and around Minnesota college campuses.

Noting that homecoming, Halloween and football games are all classic college celebrations that often involve drinking, the Department of Public Safety and state Gambling Control Board said Tuesday that their agents will conduct compliance checks at college campus bars throughout the fall and "remind establishments about the importance of serving alcohol responsibly and legally, and to check for illegal gambling activity."

The random compliance checks will focus on liquor license inspections, including required license postings, records and receipts. Officials will also review pull tabs and other legal forms of gambling and investigate any potentially illegal sports betting, public safety officials said in a statement.

"With football season underway, establishments need to know that football boards for pay are illegal and considered gambling," the department said. "Outside of licensed charitable organizations, gambling that consists of consideration, chance and prize is illegal. Removing one of those three elements would make that activity legal."