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Near-record high temperatures today

Monday certainly was a glorious day -- almost one for the record books. The Twin Cities officially soared to 70 degrees, just 2 degrees short of the record high.

The low sun angle really brought out the colors of the leaves lingering on the trees and even those on the ground. Unfortunately, such unseasonable warmth also brought out more of those multicolored Asian lady beetles, non-native ladybugs that were landing on houses in hopes of finding a crack to enter to spend the winter.

The far north did not fully share the toasty wealth. International Falls was held to a high of 46.

This morning the jet stream has shifted a bit farther to the north. Clouds have overspread much of the north and there have been a few light showers.

Nov 3 - IR sat 2
Infrared satellite image taken early this morning. NOAA

The southerly low-level flow into Minnesota has warmed our air mass sufficiently that highs today should be a few degrees warmer than they were yesterday.

That means forecast highs in the low 70s across most of central and southern Minnesota. Record highs of 74 in the Twin Cities and St. Cloud might be in jeopardy. The record high for Rochester is 75 and probably not reachable.

Clouds will linger over much of northern Minnesota today and hold high temperatures down to around 50 in the far north.

Nov 3 - fcst highs
Forecast high temperatures today. Twin Cities National Weather Service

Areas of low clouds are likely to form around the state tonight and generate patchy sprinkles and drizzle. High temperatures tomorrow might come up a bit short of what we will have today if those clouds are persistent. As of now, forecast highs for Wednesday range from 55 in the far north to 70 in the south.

Thursday will be a day of change as a cold front bulldozes our Septemberish air eastward. Highs are likely to range from the low 40s in the northwest to the low 60s in the southeast. There will be scattered showers, and a few thunderstorms are even possible across eastern Minnesota during the afternoon. Rain could change to a little wet snow late in the day in northwestern Minnesota

Nov 3 - Thu fcst map
A cold front will begin to put a chill in our weather on Thursday. Weather Prediction Center

The coldest day of the upcoming week will be Saturday. Temperatures will be cooler than average with highs likely ranging just from the upper 30s in the northeast to the mid 40s in the south.

Nov 3 - Sat fcst temps
Saturday will feel more like November. Weather Prediction Center

Sunday should be a better day to finish up that yard work and gutter cleaning.