Dayton: 'Absolute confidence' in commerce commissioner

Commissioner Rothman
Commissioner Mike Rothman
Jeffrey Thompson | MPR News 2012

Gov. Mark Dayton says he still has "absolute confidence" in Minnesota Department of Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman, despite a recent lawsuit alleging he ignored concerns raised by a former employee.

Former employee Timothy Vande Hey filed a lawsuit earlier this month alleging the agency's deputy commissioner, Anne O'Connor, made unwanted sexual advances and comments to him during his time at the department.

Vande Hey also alleges O'Connor ordered some departmental documents be destroyed — a possible violation of state law. He says Rothman ignored him when he raised concerns.

Dayton says he doesn't "have the facts" to make an assessment on the allegations. He says he plans to let the proper procedures follow their course.

The department has declined requests to interview O'Connor. Rothman has dismissed the allegations as "simply false."