History Forum: Imperialism and America's mission abroad: A century ago and now.

The U.S. in the Philippines
The U.S. helped the Philippines gain independence from Spain in 1898, only to annex and govern the country themselves that same year. What followed was a war that lasted three years and killed over 4,000 Americans, 20,000 Filipino soldiers and 200,000 civilians.
Courtesy of the Library of Congress

A look at globalization, racism and America's role in the world, from the perspective of events more than a century ago. Susan Harris was featured at the 2016 History Forum, and she gave her talk the intriguing title, "Pious Hypocrisies: Mark Twain, The Philippines, and America's Christian Mission Abroad."

Susan Harris is a distinguished professor of American Literature and Culture at the University of Kansas. She spoke January 23, 2016 at the Minnesota Historical Society in St. Paul.