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Lawmaker prepares pro-cop, anti-Dayton resolution

With a potential special legislative session in the works for next month, one Republican legislator wants to use the occasion to make a statement.

State Sen. Bill Ingebrigtsen, R-Alexandria, is planning to introduce a resolution that expresses support for law enforcement officers for the risks they take to keep Minnesotans safe. His proposed resolution also denounces DFL Gov. Mark Dayton for comments he made about the fatal police shooting of Philando Castile.

Ingebrigten, a former county sheriff, contends that Dayton’s suggestion that police racism was a factor in the shooting was “inflammatory.”

“No elected representative should make the kind of incendiary remarks Gov. Dayton made when he accused police officers of racism before the facts were known,” Ingebrigtsen said. “Premature, reckless accusations fan the flames of intolerance and fear and lead to even more violence.”

Ingebrigtsen’s proposed resolution describes Dayton’s comments as irresponsible” and “an affront to the integrity and professionalism” of peace officers.

The governor’s deputy chief of staff, Linden Zakula, issued a statement calling Ingebrigtsen’s resolution a “malicious attack.”

 “In no way was the governor questioning the outstanding professionalism of Minnesota’s law enforcement community, which the governor has strongly supported throughout his years as governor,” Zakula said. “Of course, legislators are going to vote to ‘show their unwavering support for our local law enforcement officers,’ as would the governor.”

Dayton and top legislative leaders are expected to have an advance agreement on the scope of a yet-to-be-scheduled special session. It will likely be limited to a tax bill and a bonding bill.