St. Paul nonprofit to fold after winning $1 million prize in 2013

Tracy Sides and Dan McGuiness in front of depot
File photo of Tracy Sides, founder of Urban Oasis, and Dan McGuiness, director of the Lower Phalen Creek Project, sitting in front of the vacant Lowertown Depot building inside the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary.
Will Matsuda / MPR News File

A nonprofit that won $1 million to promote the growing and cooking of local food in St. Paul is disbanding after three years.

The Pioneer Press reports that the St. Paul Foundation awarded the money to Urban Oasis in 2013 in a contest for ideas on how to improve life in the inner city.

Urban Oasis founder Tracy Sides said in a statement last week that the group will dissolve Dec. 31.

Sides says the Urban Oasis business model was unsustainable and that it has spent all of the contest money.

St. Paul Foundation spokesman Andy Goldman-Gray says the foundation is disappointed that the organization will no longer be running but that it's happy to learn some programs will continue through other nonprofits.