The Staves moved to the Twin Cities for the music scene

The Staves - Forum - 12
The Staves (left to right: Emily, Camilla and Jessica Staveley-Taylor, Dave Powers) perform in the Forum at MPR.
Nate Ryan | MPR

Today's Morning Edition music is from the Staves with "Sleeping in the Car," the title track from their latest E.P.

They'll be performing Tuesday night at Fitzgerald Theater in downtown St. Paul.

Over the summer, the three sisters moved from their hometown near London to Minneapolis in part because they wanted to be closer to Justin Vernon's studio outside Eau Claire, Wis. That's where they recorded their first album.

Emily Staveley-Taylor told the Star Tribune that they like the Twin Cities because "everyone collaborates with everyone else and everyone seems to be in it for the love of music more than anything else, which is different from New York or Los Angeles."