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Daily Digest: Civil War art stays put

Good morning, and happy Friday. We lost John Glenn yesterday, and tomorrow is Bob Dylan Day in Minnesota. Let's take a look at the Digest.

1. Four large paintings depicting Minnesotans in the Civil War will return to the Governor's Reception Room when the Capitol reopens, officials said Thursday. The decision by a Minnesota Historical Society panel ends what had been a skirmish over whose Minnesota history should be prominently displayed at the Capitol. Tensions flared last week when Gov. Mark Dayton stormed out of a meeting, accusing Republicans of distorting his position on relocating the paintings for political gain. (MPR News)

2. On Saturday Minnesota Democrats are scheduled to take up a contentious resolution on copper-nickel mining that party leaders have put off since last summer. Supporters say they’re willing to delay action until 2018. But opponents want the issue resolved now.  The resolution opposes “sulfide ore mining” in Minnesota due to "unacceptable environmental impacts," including water pollution from waste runoff. Many Iron Range DFLers see it as an affront to the entire mining industry, and some Democrats worry that Republicans will use it as a club if they don't vote it down. (MPR News)

3. People close to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are looking for an alternative to Rep. Keith Ellison as the next leader of the Democratic National Committee. White House aides say that Obama is unlikely to publicly comment on the race, but behind the scenes his backers have been talking to Democratic donors and potential candidates to see who else might be persuaded to run. Said to be high on the White House’s list of preferred candidates is Labor Secretary Tom Perez. (AP via Pioneer Press)

4. This gave me a flashback to Jesse Ventura's term as Minnesota Governor. Donald Trump will continue to be an executive producer of  NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice,” which is returning  next year with new host Arnold Schwarzenegger. No one is saying publicly how much he will be paid for the job. Ventura actually moonlighted on TV while he was governor. From this article: "Past presidents have published books during their time in the White House, so there is precedent for a president earning royalties while in office. In the case of President Obama’s 2010 book “Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters,” his profits from the Alfred A. Knopf publication were donated to a charity supporting the children of disabled veterans." (Variety)

5. Some Republicans and Democrats in Congress want to investigate Russia's role in the U.S. election, including the hacking of emails of top Democrats and Hillary Clinton's campaign staff. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) said this week he would lead an inquiry into the Russian operation. President-elect Trump has said he doesn't believe Russia meddled in the election. “It could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey. I believe that it could have been Russia and it could have been any one of many other people. Sources or even individuals,” he told Time magazine. (Wall Street Journal)