Counter Stories: The fatal shooting of 15-year-old Jordan Edwards

The hosts of Counter Stories
The hosts of Counter Stories are Luz Maria Frias, Anthony Galloway, Hlee Lee and Don Eubanks.
MPR News

The Counter Stories hosts discussed the fatal shooting of a 15-year-old Texas boy by police.

Jordan Edwards was shot in the head by an officer last weekend as he and his friends were leaving a party in suburban Dallas. The officer who shot him has been fired.

The Counter Stories group also discussed the roast by comedian Hasan Minhaj at the White House Correspondents Dinner.


Hlee Lee, a media artist.

Luz Maria Frias, an attorney with a public policy background.

Don Eubanks, an assistant professor at Metropolitan State University and cultural consultant.

Anthony Galloway, a race equity advocate in the west metro.