Listen: Should we geoengineer the atmosphere to fix climate change?

Are we so endangered by rising temperatures that geo-engineering could and should be a real possibility?

Next year, scientists are proposing to undertake a test over the skies of Tucson, Arizona. They'll spray particles into the stratosphere and observe whether the particles stay aloft and deflect and scatter sunlight. The process may give the scientific team information on whether solar engineering could be a viable option.

But any kind of geoengineering raises serious logistical, ethical and geopolitical questions.

In this week's Friday Roundtable, MPR News host Kerri Miller talks to three experts about the future possibilities of dealing with climate change.


Jessica Hellmann is director of the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota.

Roopali Phadke is a professor of environmental policy and politics at Macalester College.

Michael Noble is executive director of Fresh Energy.

Use the audio player above to hear the full segment.