Minnesota Somali community working to help Mogadishu bombing victims

A vigil for victims of a bombing in Mogadishu
A vigil for victims of a bombing in Mogadishu was held at the Brian Coyle Center in Minneapolis, Minn., during on Monday, October 16, 2017.
Tom Baker for MPR News

Many in Minnesota's large Somali community are grieving those lost in a recent bombing in Mogadishu and are working to help the survivors. Three prominent members of the Somali community discussed what's being done locally to provide aid to Somalians in Mogadishu.


State Rep. Ilhan Omar, DFL-Minneapolis.

Her husband Ahmed Hirsi, who was in Mogadishu when the explosions happened.

Mohamed Omar, executive director of the Dar Al-Farooq Center in Bloomington.

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