Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

July preview today; chilly 50s and 1-2 inches of rain this week

Welcome to Minnesota.

Your weather menu here includes a foot of snow, severe thunderstorms and temperatures near 90 degrees -- all in less than a month. Get ready for another weather roller coaster weather ride this week.

Taste of July

Today feels like July out there, less the humidity. A warm and dry Arizona-style air mass with dew points in the 30s heats up efficiently today. Southwest winds feed in warmer air. A powerful May sun drives thermometers into the 80s across most of Minnesota this afternoon.

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Elevated fire danger

It's another day where any fires that get going will tend to run fast. Gusty winds, warm temperatures and humidity around 20 percent promote active fire weather behavior again today.

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Rainy week ahead

Our next weather maker arrives tomorrow into Wednesday. Low pressure spreads some needed showers and thunderstorms across Minnesota from west to east Tuesday into Wednesday. A second wave arrives Friday into Saturday. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System model picks up on the rainy week ahead.

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NOAA GFS Tuesday into Saturday via tropical tidbits.

Widespread soaker

The waves of rain look fairly evenly distributed this week. Much of Minnesota may end up with 1 to 2 inches by Saturday.

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Back to the 50s

Temperatures tumble under a raw rainy sky later this week. Highs will struggle to make to 50s Friday and Saturday. Talk about a springtime reality check.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Milder again next week

The jet stream retreats north again next week. That should brings more warmth with highs in the 70s  and possibly 80s again.

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