Coming up: Vaccines, public health and personal choice

MMR shot
Vashaud Jones, 12, grimaces as nurse Marieli Guzman injects him with his measles, mumps and rubella booster shot at Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
Lorna Benson | MPR News 2011

This show is being postponed due to the release of the Mueller report Thursday morning.

Measles are running rampant. More than 550 cases have been reported in the United States since the beginning of 2019. That's already more than in any of the past five years. And given that it's only April, we're on track to set a record for the highest number of cases in the United States since the disease was eradicated here almost two decades ago.

Parents who are reluctant to vaccinate their kids are a big part of the reason — a trend the World Health Organization has labeled one of the top threats to global health. In outbreak areas, like New York, governments are fighting back — threatening fines or jail time for parents who aren't vaccinating. But is that the right tactic?

On Thursday, we'll tackle this dicey topic. We won't debate the efficacy of vaccines; the science is in. But we do want to talk about how to balance personal choice with public safety. Is it as simple as requiring everyone to get vaccinated? Or is there a better way to get people to buy in?


Elisa (EJ) Sobo, a sociocultural anthropologist specializing in health, illness and medicine, and a professor of anthropology at San Diego State University.

Alison Buttenheim, a professor of health policy at the University of Pennsylvania who studies the effects of vaccine hesitancy.