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Weather across Minnesota remains active through Friday

Most of the state will see accumulating snow

The week ahead remains active with a few rounds of rain and snow possible and a potent storm impacting the state Thursday into Friday.

Monday’s forecast

An area of snow that moved across northern Minnesota is still bringing light snow to the Arrowhead as of 9 a.m. Most places will see less than an inch of additional snow through Monday.
For southern Minnesota, there are isolated areas of light rain and snow Monday morning that will switch to mostly rain or drizzle by late morning as temperatures rise slightly.

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Late Monday morning weather
National Weather Service

Any precipitation stays very light, with little accumulation expected. Because of the wet weather, skies will remain mostly cloudy all of Monday, except possibly for northwestern Minnesota. High temperatures will stay very close to average, ranging from the upper 20s in northwestern Minnesota, to the low 40s in southeastern Minnesota.

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Monday high temperatures
National Weather Service

Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday will likely be the most pleasant day of the week ahead, with seasonable temperatures and plenty of sunshine. Already by Tuesday evening, more clouds move back in and rain and snow spread across the state overnight into Wednesday. Chances for rain and snow linger through Wednesday. For southern Minnesota, most of the precipitation will be rain, with some light snow possibly mixing in.

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Wednesday afternoon weather
National Weather Service

Northern Minnesota will see predominantly snow with some light drizzle or freezing drizzle mixing in. The northern edge of Minnesota may see 2 to 3 inches of snow by Wednesday night.

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Wednesday snow forecast
Pivotal Weather

Potent storm Thursday into Friday

By the time Wednesday’s system starts to move out, another stronger system will already be pushing more rain, snow and gusty winds into the state on Thursday. That storm will slide to the south of Minnesota, so southern portions of the state will feel the greatest impacts.

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Forecast storm location Thursday afternoon
Tropical Tidbits

It will also bring more moisture, so rain could be moderate at times, and it is likely there will be at least a couple inches of snow accumulation for southern Minnesota. Snow amounts are still uncertain as rain will mix in, especially on Thursday, but be prepared for enough snow to possibly slow travel.

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Snow impacts Thursday and Friday
National Weather Service

Any lingering snow should end by Friday morning, but temperatures will drop and it will stay windy, making for a noticeably colder day across the entire state. By Saturday morning, parts of northern Minnesota will be below zero, but the sunshine returns and the weekend is looking dry.

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Saturday morning low temperatures
National Weather Service

Here is the forecast trend for the Twin Cities through Saturday:

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Twin Cities forecast through Saturday

Programming note

You can hear my live weather updates on Minnesota Public Radio at 7:48 a.m. Monday through Friday morning.