
Video: 6 tips for staying safe while grocery shopping

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Grocery shopping is on a lot of Americans' minds these days. In a country largely still under lockdown, stocking up on provisions is one of the few times many people leave their homes.

But many people are wondering how they can stay safe while in the store during the coronavirus pandemic — and how best to handle their groceries once they get them home. That's why we asked infectious disease, virology and food safety experts for their advice about safe grocery shopping. You can read our in-depth article with their tips or get a quick summary from our video above.

The bottom line: Your biggest risk comes from being in the store with other shoppers, not from the food. You really don't need to drive yourself nuts disinfecting your packaged food.

And please, don't use disinfectants on your produce. In fact, it could be dangerous. This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that a woman ended up in the emergency room after disinfecting her groceries in a solution of bleach, vinegar and hot water. The combination created a "noxious smell" that resulted in difficulty breathing.

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