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Lake Superior breeze keeping Minnesota cool Wednesday

Wind trajectory across the chilly lake modifying our air mass

Lake Superior web cam
A chilly July day at Canal Park in Duluth.
Lake Superior Maritime Museum

We can thank Lake Superior for our free A/C Wednesday across much of Minnesota.

A persistent northeast wind flow is pumping much cooler air across Minnesota. The source region for this cooler air near us at ground level is Lake Superior.

Water temperatures across the western part of big lake hover in the chilly 30s and 40s Wednesday.

Lake Superior water temperature
Lake Superior water temperature

Northeast flow

The wind flow across Minnesota Wednesday is from the northeast. The low-pressure system that blew through Tuesday is pushing that cool exhaust on the backside across the big lake right into Minnesota. NOAA’s NAM 3 km model shows the wind flow at about 5,000 feet above ground level.

850 millibar flow
850 millibar flow Wednesday
NOAA via tropical tidbits

As the airflow passes across Lake Superior, it is modified through interactions with the much cooler lake water. That cooler air mass helps keep temperatures in the 60s Wednesday across much of eastern Minnesota. See how the steamy air mass is pushed well to the south?

Temperatures Wednesday afternoon
Temperatures Wednesday afternoon
Oklahoma Mesonet

Clouds, too

The cloud deck wrapping around the backside of the low-pressure system is also helping keep temperatures cool Wednesday. Here’s NOAA’s GOES-16 visible loop. I’ve overlaid streamlines so you can see the wind flow at the surface.

GOES 16 satellite loop
GOES-16 satellite loop
NOAA/College of Dupage Weather Lab

So, you can thank Wednesday’s wind trajectory across Lake Superior for our free A/C Wednesday. Look for more sun and warming temperatures starting Thursday.