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Tropical trouble: Dueling storms in the Gulf of Mexico next week?

Forecast models suggest two possible tropical system in the Gulf of Mexico at the same time.

It must be 2020.

Forecast models suggest not one, but two tropical cyclones in the Gulf of Mexico at the same time next week?

Laura and Marco?

The next two named Atlantic tropical cyclones will be Laura and Marco.

Right now, TD #13 is gathering in the open Atlantic. Conditions appear favorable for the storm to reach hurricane strength this weekend north of Cuba. There is still plenty of track and intensity uncertainty, but the official National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecast projects a hurricane somewhere near south Florida by nest Monday or Tuesday.

Tropical Depression 0113
Tropical Depression 0113
NOAA/National Hurricane Center

Forecast model storm tracks are clustered fairly tightly across or near south Florida early next week.

Tropical Depression 0113 model tracks
Tropical Depression 0113 model tracks
NOAA via tropical tidbits

Forecast model intensity varies widely as usual.

Tropical depression 0113 forecast model intensity output
Tropical depression 0113 forecast model intensity output
NOAA via tropical tidbits

There is a great deal of spread between various models like the Canadian, American and Europen models as to the potential for this system. The Canadian model projects a strong hurricane in south Florida early next week.

Canadian model forecast for Monday August 24.
Canadian model forecast for Monday August 24.
Environment Canada via tropical tidbits

TD # 14 is forecast to cross Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula this weekend. Forecast tracks place it in the western Gulf of Mexico early next week.

Tropical Depression 0114
Tropical Depression 0114
NOAA/National Hurricane Center

This has the potential to be a rare and wild scenario with two hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico with two potential U.S. landfalls next week.

Stay tuned.