Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Thursday stays dangerously cold all day

Almost all of Minnesota is under a wind chill advisory

In the wake of Wednesday’s crippling snowstorm, arctic air has spread across Minnesota. Combined with lingering winds, wind chills stay brutally cold through the day.

Thursday’s weather

As Wednesday’s potent storm passed through, temperatures went tumbling, putting the entire state below zero Thursday morning. 

Winds have diminished some from the extreme high winds the state saw Wednesday, but there are still many parts of Minnesota seeing gusts over 20 and 30 mph Thursday morning. 
This combination of cold and wind is putting morning wind chills at 20 to 40 below zero Thursday morning. 

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Wind chills at 5 a.m. Thursday
National Weather Service
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Wind chill advisory until noon Thursday
National Weather Service

This is dangerous enough cold that almost the entire state is under a wind chill advisory until noon.

Skin can freeze in just 10 minutes in these conditions, so be extremely cautious if you need to go outside.

Even under sunshine and dry skies through the day, temperatures rise little, with most of the state just below zero, and a few spots barely making it above zero in southern Minnesota. 

However, although the winds keep diminishing, it will still stay breezy through the day, with winds gusting in the teen and 20 mph range. So, even during the “warmth” of the afternoon, wind chills will still feel like minus 10 to minus 20.

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Forecast wind chills Thursday afternoon
National Weather Service

After another frigid start Friday morning, highs rebound closer to average Christmas Day. That forecast through the holiday weekend will be updated around 9 a.m.

Programming note

You can hear my live weather updates on Minnesota Public Radio at 7:48 a.m. Monday through Friday morning.