Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Chilly weekend; Periods of rain and snow on Sunday

Frost in many areas late Saturday night/early Sunday morning

Despite several chilly days this past week, our Twin Cities average temperature is running two degrees above normal for the first 23 days of April 2021.

There’s a good reason for that stat. We were very warm from April 3 through April 7; four days had highs in the 70s and we hit 85 degrees on April 5:

Twin Cities April climate data
NOAA data, via the Minnesota State Climatology Office

Temperature trends

If you have tender plants that need protection from frost and freezing temps, you’ll want to cover those plants Saturday night or bring your potted plants indoors. Low temps in most of Minnesota and western Wisconsin will drop below 32 degrees late Saturday night into early Sunday morning:

Sunday morning forecast lows
National Weather Service

Keep in mind that official temps are measured 5 feet above the ground. Temps can be colder than the official temps when winds are light. Many parts of the Twin Cities metro area are likely to see 32 degrees or colder at ground level early Sunday morning.

Our average Twin Cities high temp is 62 degrees this time of year. We could top out in the mid 40s Sunday afternoon, sharing highs in the 40s with most of Minnesota and western Wisconsin:

Sunday forecast highs
National Weather Service

Far southwestern Minnesota might see some lower 50s.

Sunday will be breezy, with afternoon gusts over 20 mph in most areas and gusts over 30 mph in parts of southwestern Minnesota:

Sunday 1 p.m. forecast wind gusts
National Weather Service

Plotted gust forecasts are in knots, with 18 knots equal to 20.7 mph.

Back to temperatures, Twin Cities metro area highs are projected to reach 70 degrees on Monday, followed by lower 60s Tuesday and Wednesday, and mid 60s Thursday and Friday.

The first week of May could bring us near-normal temps across much of Minnesota and western Wisconsin. The NWS Climate Prediction Center isn’t showing a tendency for above-normal temps or below-normal temps in our neck of the woods during the May 1 through May 7 time frame:

Temperature outlook May 1 through May 7
NWS Climate Prediction Center

Sunday rain and snow

A sprinkle or flurry will still be possible in the Twin Cities metro area late Saturday morning and very early Saturday afternoon. Light snow showers are possible into early Saturday afternoon near the North Shore of Lake Superior and in northwestern Wisconsin.

You can hear updated weather information for Minnesota and western Wisconsin on the MPR network, and you’ll see updated weather info on the MPR News live weather blog.

Periods of rain and snow are expected in Minnesota and western Wisconsin on Sunday. Parts of west-central and southwestern Minnesota could see an inch or two of snow tomorrow. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s North American Mesoscale (NAM) forecast model shows the potential precipitation pattern Sunday and Sunday evening:

Simulated radar Sunday and Sunday evening
NOAA, via Tropicaltidbits.com

It looks like the Twin Cities metro area could see a light coating of snow on grassy areas Sunday, which should melt quickly. Check forecast updates.

Programming note

You can hear my live weather updates on MPR News at 7:35 a.m., 9:35 a.m. and 4:39 p.m. each Saturday and Sunday.