Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Wildfire smoke lingers across much of Minnesota

Air quality alert for parts of northern Minnesota

Air quality alert
Air quality alert
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Wildfire smoke continues to swirl above much of Minnesota Friday.

You can see the smoke appears as a hazy film on the GOES-16 visible satellite loops swirling counter-clockwise around a high-pressure system over Minnesota.

GOES 16 satellite loop Friday
GOES 16 satellite loop Friday
NOAA via COD Weather Lab

From ground level looking up, the sky has a diffuse whitish tint across most of Minnesota Friday. Smoke particles scatter out the bluer wavelengths and the sky shows a whitish tint compared to the typical deep blue.

Smoky sky above the Twin Cities Friday
Smoky sky above the Twin Cities Friday
Paul Huttner/MPR News

The air quality at ground levels is good across southeast Minnesota. But some of the smoke has made its way to ground levels across northern and western Minnesota. Air quality has reached an unhealthy level in the Red River Valley.

Air Quality Index Friday
Air Quality Index Friday
NOAA via tropical tidbits

The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration’s HRRR model smoke forecast product continues to show smoke swirling above parts of Minnesota into Saturday. Here’s the forecast for vertically integrated smoke at 6 am Saturday.

NOAA HRRR vertically integrated smoke product for 6 am Saturday
NOAA HRRR vertically integrated smoke product for 6 am Saturday