
Aug-tober: October weather maps coming up summery

Much above average temperatures likely through at least the first half of October

30-day temperature outlook
Thirty-day temperature outlook

Here we go again.

September came in 2 to 3 degrees warmer than average in the Twin Cities and much of Minnesota.

September climate summary
September climate summary
Twin Cities National Weather Service

Now it’s 80 degrees in the Twin Cities once again. On Oct. 1.

And Minnesota’s overall weather pattern strongly favors (much?) warmer than average temperatures once again for October. That means more 70s, and possibly more 80s are on the way in the next two weeks.

Balmy jet stream pattern

Want one weather chart you can look at to gauge overall temperature patterns? It’s the 500-millibar upper air map around 18-thousand feet above ground level. This is where the jet stream lives.

Next week’s upper air pattern builds a big high pressure ridge over the Midwest once again. The jet stream rides far up into Canada, way north of it’s typical early October position.

Upper air forecast map for 7 pm October 4
Upper air forecast map for 7 p.m. Oct. 4.

That means a balmy late summerish air mass once again for Minnesota next week. The average high and low for the Twin Cities by next Wednesday are 63 and 43 degrees.

But highs temperatures will run in the 70s once again for most of Minnesota next week.

Forecast high temperatures Thursday
Forecast high temperatures Thursday

A few models suggest parts of southern Minnesota could approach the 80-degree mark once again lat next week or on the weekend of Oct. 9 and 10.

Warm October outlook

NOAA has revised the monthly temperature outlook for October. Minnesota remains firmly in an area that strongly favors warmer than average temperatures overall this month.

30-day temperature outlook
Thirty-day temperature outlook

If October temperatures run above average, it will be the eighth straight month of above-average temperatures in Minnesota.

October’s colder weather shoe may drop with a thud eventually, but right now I don't see it flying in our direction.

Stay tuned.