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Near peak fall color in the Twin Cities this weekend

Most of Minnesota is past peak now. Still very colorful around the Twin Cities.

Fall color report
Fall color report.
Minnesota DNR

This looks like the best weekend for fall colors in the Twin Cities and southeast Minnesota.

The latest Minnesota DNR fall color map above shows 75 to 100 percent color now around the Twin Cities and in pockets around Minnesota. Most of central and northern Minnesota is past peak color according to the update.

I’ve noticed many maples that are now near or at peak color around the Twin Cities.

Fall color at Fort Snelling State Park
Fall color at Fort Snelling State Park.
Tom Kowalski via Minnesota DNR website

Here’s another great shot from Fort Snelling State Park this week.

Fall colors at Fort Snelling State Park
Fall colors at Fort Snelling State Park.
Christa Rittberg via Minnesota DNR website

Here’s a good report on conditions from Afton State Park in the eastern Twin Cities.

Where to go

Good fall colors can be seen along the main park road, and the bluff edges along the St. Croix River are nearing peak color as well. Some of the most colorful trees are in the parking areas.

What you'll see

Maples trees are red, orange and yellow. The ash trees and black walnut trees are readily dropping their yellow leaves and the squirrels are busy gathering walnuts and acorns. With windy conditions predicted the next days many leaves may be off the trees. A nice trail to walk is the south river trail where maple trees line the old railroad grade in yellow leaves.

More tips

The park's overlook points are great places to take in the beauty of the St. Croix River Valley in the fall. If you don't want to get out of your car the trees along the park's main road and parking areas are very colorful. Some favorite views to walk to are the observation deck near the middle picnic area, the overlook at the northeast corner of the park near intersection "U", and the new habitat management clearings of the south-facing bluff prairies located along the western edge of the prairie loop. The cooler temperatures of the fall season provide an excellent opportunity to explore the nearly 20 miles of hiking trails in Afton State Park. Ask a park staff member for route recommendations, or feel free to explore on your own using the recently updated "you-are-here" maps and wayfinding markers located at nearly every trail intersection. Avenza maps is useful too. Ask a staff to help you download it to your phone.