Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Weekend forecast: Warmer and mostly dry; shower chance northeastern Minn. Saturday a.m.

Daylight saving time ends Sunday

Our average Twin Cities high temperature is 47 degrees on Nov. 6. Many spots in the metro area will top out in the lower 60s this Saturday. We’ll share highs in the 60s with roughly the southern half of Minnesota and much of western Wisconsin:

Saturday forecast highs
National Weather Service

Northern Minnesota will have highs in the 50s.

Saturday wind gusts will reach 15-20 mph in far northern Minnesota, with lighter winds to the south:

Saturday 1 p.m. forecast wind gusts
National Weather Service

Forecast gusts are in knots, with 16 knots equal to 18.4 mph.

Sunday will again feature highs in the 60s south, with 50s in northern Minnesota:

Sunday forecast highs
National Weather Service

Sunday wind gusts will be fairly low in most areas, but could reach 15-20 mph in parts of the southeast:

Sunday noon forecast wind gusts
National Weather Service

Any rain?

The weekend looks dry in most areas, including the Twin Cities. Northwestern and north-central Minnesota could see scattered rain showers overnight Friday night. Some of those scattered rain showers could linger in portions of northeastern Minnesota Saturday morning.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s High-Resolution Rapid-Refresh (HRRR) forecast model shows the potential rain pattern from Friday evening through Saturday morning:

Simulated radar Friday evening through Saturday morning
NOAA, via Tropicaltidbits.com

You can hear updated weather information for Minnesota and western Wisconsin on the Minnesota Public Radio News network, and you can see updated weather info on the MPR News live weather blog.

Daylight saving time ends on Sunday

Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. this Sunday:

You’ll want to turn clocks (those that don’t automatically adjust) back one hour before you go to sleep Saturday night.

In case you’re wondering, Linn County is in eastern Iowa, and includes Cedar Rapids.

Programming note

You can hear my live weather updates on MPR News at 7:35 a.m., 9:35 a.m. and 4:39 p.m. each Saturday and Sunday.