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Nearly total lunar eclipse visible in parts of Minnesota overnight

Best chance for clear to partly cloudy skies in the southwest half of Minnesota.

Lunar eclipse early Friday morning
Lunar eclipse early Friday morning.

Night owls and early risers are in for a treat in parts of Minnesota early Friday morning. A nearly total (97 percent) lunar eclipse begins at 1:18 a.m. and peaks at 3:03 a.m. Friday morning.

We’ll have to battle some clouds in Minnesota overnight. But the low stratus clouds that have been swirling over Minnesota are clearing in the southwest half of the state. That clearing line will gradually work east overnight.

NOAA GOES-16 visible satellite late Thursday afternoon
NOAA GOES-16 visible satellite late Thursday afternoon.
NOAA via COD Weather Lab

Another wave of higher clouds is streaming toward Minnesota from the northwest. But those clouds may be thinner, and allow the moon to shine through in many locations. So while viewing conditions look far from perfect across Minnesota overnight, there will be opportunities to catch glimpses of the eclipse in many areas. The best viewing looks likely in southern Minnesota.

Here’s the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s NAM 3 km resolution model low cloud forecast for 3 am Friday, around the time of peak eclipse.

NOAA NAM 3 km model
NOAA NAM 3 km model low cloud coverage forecast at 3 am Friday.
NOAA via tropical tidbits

Temperatures will be in the 20s across most of Minnesota overnight. So bundle up if you plan to try and get a peek at the eclipse.

If you miss this one, there are two total lunar eclipses next year. The May 16 eclipse peaks around 10:30 pm so you won’t have to stay up so late!