Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Mild Friday before a soggy weekend

Temperatures will be warmer ahead of a wet, windy weekend

highs FRI 2
High temperatures will be milder Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

We’ll enjoy temperatures in the 50s and even low 60s Friday with mostly dry conditions ahead of what is likely to be a pretty wet, windy weekend.

Near 60 for many Friday?

In between rain showers we’ll squeeze out a milder Friday, still below normal but hey, closer anyway. Highs will mainly be in the 50s and some low 60s.

highs FRI
High temperatures Friday
National Weather Service

Wet, windy but no snow this weekend

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Let’s start with the good. Almost no one will see snow out of this storm system; that’s progress.

snow try 2
48 hour snowfall forecast
NOAA via pivotal weather

Okay, now the bad news: it’s going to be pretty wet and windy. Rain showers and some thunder develop Friday night into Saturday. Saturday looks to be the wettest of the weekend.

precip loop weekend
Showers and thunderstorms develop Friday evening into the weekend
College of DuPage Weather

Sunday will have some lingering showers, then we dry out early next week but temperatures will still run 5 to 10 degrees cooler than average. We’re still on track for a warming trend toward consistently normal temperatures next weekend into the following week.