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Lazy, hazy, crazy summer weather next week

Highs in the 90s Tuesday. Heat index values could reach 100 degrees Tuesday afternoon.

Heat index values Tuesday afternoon
Heat index values for 7 pm Tuesday. Canadian model.
Environment Canada via pivotal weather

The weather maps finally look like summer across Minnesota.

The weekend forecast looks pretty typical for early June. But next week the level of heat and humidity will build. A tropical air mass begins blowing into Minnesota on Monday.

Highs will reach well into the 80s across most of southern and western Minnesota Monday. temperatures will push into the 90s in southwest Minnesota.

Forecast high temperatures Monday
Forecast high temperatures Monday.

Dew points surge

A ribbon of tropical moisture will stream into Minnesota from the Gulf of Mexico early next week. Check out the plume of dew points in the 60s and 70s pumping into Minnesota Monday and Tuesday on NOAA’s GFS model.

NOAA GFS dew point forecast
NOAA GFS dew point forecast between 7 am Monday and 7 pm Tuesday.
NOAA via tropical tidbits

100-degree heat index Tuesday

Tuesday brings the core of a steamy air mass into Minnesota. Highs will reach the 90s across most of central and southern Minnesota Tuesday afternoon.

European model (ECMWF) temperature forecast
European model (ECMWF) temperature forecast for 1 pm Tuesday.
ECMWF via pivotal weather

With dew points in the upper 60s to 70s, that will push heat index values toward the 100-degree mark.

Heat index values Tuesday afternoon
Heat index values for 7 pm Tuesday. Canadian model.
Environment Canada via pivotal weather

The good news? Our intense heat looks like a 1-day event next week. A cool front glides through late Tuesday into Wednesday. That will bring a chance for thunderstorms. It will also push highs back into the 80s, with more comfortable dew points in the 50s starting on Wednesday.

Happy summer, Minnesota!