Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Few showers Monday; hot by the end of the week

Dropping dew points and windy Monday

24 hr wind gusts
Forecast wind gusts Monday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

We’ll have a few scattered morning showers Monday with the possibility of isolated thunder in the afternoon. Winds are picking up from the northwest, dropping dew points. Expect heat by the end of the week.

Unsettled Monday as cold front brings change

Winds will pick up Monday as a cool front ushers in some drier air. Northwest winds will be at 15-25 mph Monday afternoon with gusts as high as 40 mph for some.

winds loop
Forecast wind gusts Monday
College of DuPage

We have a few showers ahead of the front and a couple of thunderstorms are possible Monday afternoon, too.

precip loop 8am
Forecast precipitation Monday into Monday evening
College of DuPage

Dry weather continues in south central Minnesota, Twin Cities

A few spots received some beneficial rainfall over the weekend, but many of us were left needing much more. Some northeastern suburbs got 1 inch, while the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport received just one-tenth of an inch over the weekend.

72 hour precip
Precipitation over the past 72 hours
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

It continues to be very dry across most of south-central Minnesota through the Twin Cities area into western Wisconsin. Northern Minnesota remains above normal for precipitation and far southern Minnesota got lucky with heavy rains last week.

percent norm precip
Past 30 days percent of normal precipitation
WeatherBELL Analytics

Heat wave ahead

We get a nice break of seasonable temperatures and lower dew points Tuesday into Wednesday. After that the heat dome is going to park itself closer to Minnesota by the end of the week, and this means it’s going to get hot and steamy for a while.

500 hts
Forecast upper-level pattern shows a quick, cooler blast followed by the building heat dome
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Highs from Friday through next weekend into the following week will be near or above 90 degrees for much of southern and western Minnesota.

fri highs 8am
Forecast high temperatures Friday
National Weather Service