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Warm sunshine Friday with storms possible early Saturday

Dew points become muggy again Friday night

fri highs 9am
Forecast high temperatures Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Enjoy sun and warm temperatures Friday along with light winds. Showers and thunderstorms will develop late Friday night into early Saturday as humid air moves back into Minnesota. Thunderstorms will be possible through the weekend.

Warm sunshine Friday dominated by high pressure

High pressure sits over Minnesota Friday keeping skies filled with sunshine and stable.

High pressure creating sun and light winds over Minnesota Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

High pressure also means light winds during the day Friday. Winds aloft, about 4,000 feet up — what we call a “low level jet stream” — will develop overnight Friday night.

Low level jet stream early Saturday morning
NOAA via pivotal weather

This low level jet stream acts like a conveyor belt of heat and moisture. You’ll notice dew points increasing to muggy levels again for the weekend.

dews chart
Forecast dew points (green line) increase Friday night into the weekend
National Weather Service

Moisture moves north touching off thunderstorms

With the warmth and humid air moving back in, that will touch off thunderstorms late Friday night into early Saturday.

wknd precip 9am
Forecast precipitation Friday evening through Sunday midday
College of DuPage Weather

We’ll see conditions mainly dry midday Saturday with the possibility of some more isolated storms popping with daytime heating. Rainfall amounts will be heaviest likely north of the Twin Cities.

48 hr QPF
48 hour forecast precipitation totals
NOAA via pivotal weather

Sunday into Monday will remain unsettled as steamy air sits over Minnesota and a cool front moves through Sunday night into Monday.

mon highs 9am
Forecast high temperatures Monday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Behind that cool front, temperatures will be in the 70s and low 80s midweek with a stretch of sunshine.