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Cooler weekend follows a hot Friday; MN drought conditions ease a bit

Seasonable temperatures return Saturday with cool nights

fri highs AM
Forecast high temperatures Friday
National Weather Service

Friday will be hot again south but cooler north. Isolated thunderstorms are possible. Seventies spread statewide Saturday and Sunday with cool nights ahead.

Isolated thunder Friday

A rather lackluster cool front will try to touch off a few showers and thunderstorms Friday as it moves across Minnesota but for most it will pass quietly.

precip FRI AM
Forecast precipitation Friday
College of DuPage

What storms do develop could see become severe. There’s a marginal (level 1 of 5) risk of severe weather forecast Friday evening for some areas.

SVR risk
Forecast chances of severe weather late Friday are marginal (level 1 out of 5) for southeastern Minnesota into Wisconsin
National Weather Service

Ahead of the cool front it will again be hot in the upper 80s to near 90 south but 70s north. Saturday and Sunday will bring a pleasant breath of fresh air with highs in the 70s.

sat highs AM
Forecast high temperatures Saturday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Overnight lows will be in the 40s and 50s Saturday and Sunday nights.

sun lows AM
Forecast low temperatures Saturday night into early Sunday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

The models hint at more heat returning next week. Highs will be well into the 80s if not flirting with 90 for some.

Latest drought monitor sees little change

The latest drought monitor shows little change since last week. Nine percent of Minnesota is in drought, down from 10 percent last week and severe drought is down from 2 percent of Minnesota to just 1 percent and encompasses entirely the southwest metro.

drought monitor
Latest U.S. drought monitor
National Drought Mitigation Center

There were major variations in summer precipitation across the Twin Cities area. August replenished many rain gauges in the east metro where summer totals got up to nearly 11 inches for some (12.98 inches is normal).

The Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and most southwestern suburbs were not that lucky. The total at the airport was only 6.58 inches for the summer, just 51 percent of the normal total.

metro rainfalls
Total summer (June 1 - August 31) rainfall
WeatherBELL Analytics

A record at Death Valley Friday?

I discussed this a couple of days ago and Friday’s the day where Death Valley could tie or break its all-time September temperature record, 125 degrees (set in 2020). Excessive heat warnings blanket much of California and the southwest as a heat wave continues into the weekend.

SW highs
Forecast high temperatures Friday
National Weather Service