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Best fall color weekend for Minnesota?

Fall color at peak up north; vivid colors bursting in the south

Oct. 7 DNR fall color finder high res
The Minnesota DNR's fall color finder map looking good on a Friday
Minnesota Department of Natural Resrouces

They say all weather is local. The same may be true for fall colors. But this weekend looks like it could be the best weekend overall across Minnesota for leaf peepers.

Red sugar maple at the Weather Lab
Red sugar maple Thursday at the Weather Lab
Paul Huttner | MPR News

Friday’s updated fall color report from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources shows colors at or just past peak across most of northern Minnesota. Colors in southern Minnesota are progressing rapidly. Much of central and southern Minnesota now has 25 to 75 percent fall color showing.

Our frosty nights are one reason fall color is progressing more rapidly now. Trees respond to colder nights and the color show accelerates.

The elusive fall color peak is still ahead for the Twin Cities and southern Minnesota. But overall this could be the best weekend for fall colors across Minnesota.