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Photos: Colorful leafy carpet now around the Twin Cities

Falling leaves, light winds this week make for a leafy carpet of color

leafy carpet in carver park.
Fall landscape in Carver Park Reserve, southwest of Minneapolis
Paul Huttner | MPR News

Crunch, crunch.

There’s a colorful leafy carpet underfoot now around much of Minnesota. Our beautiful fall color show is transitioning from the trees to the ground.

The latest fall color map says our tree color is past peak now.

highres dnr color finder map oct 28 2022
DNR Fall color finder map for Friday
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Those beautiful leaves and light winds this week are making for an amazing fall color show at ground level. Here are some pictures I captured around the Twin Cities in the past 24 hours.

I caught these scenes near the University of Minnesota St. Paul campus Thursday afternoon.

Fall color
Fall color in St. Paul.
Paul Huttner | MPR News

Still some nice leaves on this maple tree.

Fall colors in St. Paul
Fall colors in St. Paul
Paul Huttner | MPR News

Signs of our extreme drought are also evident. Ponds are really low at Carver Park Reserve near Victoria, west of the Twin Cities Friday.

Low water in a pond
Low water in a pond at Carver Park
Paul Huttner | MPR News

Highs will be in the 60s across most of Minnesota this weekend. That’s more than 10 degrees warmer than average.

Forecast high temperatures Saturday
Forecast high temperatures Saturday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Enjoy our unseasonably mild and colorful last October weekend.