Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Scattered snow showers Monday; bigger potential storm late week

Mild Monday with light additional accumulations

snow MN
Forecast additional accumulation Monday
National Weather Service

Scattered snow showers persist Monday with some additional light accumulations. Tuesday will be dry and mild. A bigger storm potentially could bring significant snowfall later this week.

Scattered snow showers Monday, dry Tuesday

We’ll continue to have scattered snow showers through the day Monday on the back edge of this latest system.

MON precip
Forecast precipitation through 7 p.m. Monday
College of DuPage Weather

There will be some additional light accumulations in eastern Minnesota into western Wisconsin on the lighter side.

snow MN
Forecast additional accumulation Monday
National Weather Service

Expect mild temperatures still with above freezing readings in much of eastern Minnesota.

Mon high
Forecast high temperatures Monday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Bigger storm potential late week

After a dry day Tuesday, our focus shifts toward a developing larger storm system that will bring some snow showers late Wednesday with heavy snow possible late Thursday into early Friday.

wed - fri precip
Forecast precipitation 6 a.m. Wednesday through 9 p.m. Friday
College of DuPage Weather

This system has the potential for more significant snowfall accumulations across a large area of Minnesota.