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Smoky skies prompt air quality alert; showers late Wednesday into Friday

Highs Tuesday in the 70s and 80s

curr smoke
Current view of the smoke plume and wildfires
AirNow, Environmental Protection Agency

Canadian wildfire smoke is filling the skies in Minnesota and creating air quality alerts for central and northern Minnesota. Tuesday will be warm with filtered sun through the smoke. Showers are possible Wednesday night into Friday.

Smoke filled skies and reduced air quality

Canada has quite literally been on fire to our northwest. Temperatures have been averaging well above normal and shattering records. The result of the warmth has been an outbreak of numerous wildfires.

CAN T anom
Temperature anomalies (difference from normal) from the weekend in Canada: many areas broke records helping to ignite wildfires
WeatherBELL Analytics

Air quality has started to drop in parts of northwestern and northeastern Minnesota with moderate air quality.

AQI Curr
Air quality early Tuesday morning
AirNow, Environmental Protection Agency

The forecast is for air quality to diminish to unhealthy levels for sensitive groups across central and northern Minnesota.

AQI fcst
Forecast air quality index by midday and afternoon Tuesday
AirNow, Environmental Protection Agency

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has an air quality alert posted through 4 p.m. Tuesday.

Air quality alert through 4 p.m. Tuesday
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Warm and dry until Thursday

Tuesday will be warm and the skies will be sunny but that sun will be filtered through the smoke filled skies. Many areas will reach the low to mid 80s in central Minnesota.

tue hi 8a
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Wednesday will be slightly cooler with a few more clouds on the increase. Highs will be in the 70s primarily.

wed hi 8a
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

The chances of rain start to move into northwestern Minnesota by late Wednesday and spread east and southeast Wednesday night into Thursday. Friday will see a lingering chance of showers.

POP wed-fri
Forecast rain chances Wednesday through Friday
National Weather Service

Friday will be briefly cooler behind the system with high temperatures mainly in the 60s.

fri hi 8a
Forecast highs Friday
National Weather Service

The weekend will see temperatures back mostly into the upper 60s and 70s with lots of sunshine and dry weather.