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Air quality alert extended southeast; hot Friday, potential stormy weekend

Near 90 again in southeast Minnesota Friday

AQ Alert
An air quality alert is extended through 9 p.m. Friday
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Friday will be hot again southeast with an extended air quality alert. Showers and thunderstorms will be possible north and west and likely become statewide over the weekend.

Hot with extended air quality alert southeast

An air quality alert has been extended for southeast Minnesota through 9 p.m. Friday due to elevated ozone. Air quality is forecast to be unhealthy for sensitive groups for southeastern and northeast Minnesota.

Air quality forecast Friday
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Friday will again be hot in southeast Minnesota with cooler readings in the north and west.

Forecast highs Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Scattered showers and thunderstorms into the weekend

Showers and thunderstorms will mainly develop across central, northern and western Minnesota Friday with isolated activity farther east. Heading into Saturday and Sunday that chance develops statewide, especially late Saturday.

precip 10
Forecast precipitation 7 a.m. Friday through 1 a.m. Monday
College of DuPage Weather

There’s a slight risk of severe storms in southern Minnesota Saturday evening, which has been rare so far this season.

Severe weather outlook Saturday
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration's Storm Prediction Center

Cooler temperatures will follow Sunday into early next week.