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Excessive heat with big temperature contrasts statewide

Triple-digit heat index values ahead for southern Minnesota

NWS fcst 9a
Forecast high temperatures for the Twin Cities area
National Weather Service

Hot and humid air moving north will affect southwestern Minnesota on Monday and more of southern Minnesota Tuesday and Wednesday. Storms and cooler temperatures are possible north.

Big temperature divide south to north Monday

There will be a big temperature contrast set up Monday as hot and humid air pushes into far southern Minnesota. Highs will be in the low 90s in southwestern Minnesota but will be nearly 30 degrees cooler in far northern Minnesota.

mon hi 9a
Forecast highs Monday
National Weather Service

The combination of the heat and dew points increasing into the 70s across far southern Minnesota will create heat index values in the triple digits.

mon index 9a
Forecast heat index Monday afternoon
National Weather Service

Ahead of that warm front, showers and storms will develop late Monday evening into the overnight across northeastern Minnesota into northwestern Wisconsin.

mon precip
Forecast precipitation 10 a.m. Monday through 8 a.m. Tuesday
College of DuPage weather lab

There’s a marginal risk of severe storms  in those areas with the main threats being some large hail.

Severe weather outlook for late Monday into Monday night
National Weather Service

Overnight lows will be rather warm in southern Minnesota, mainly falling into just the 70s.

Tue low
Forecast lows Monday night into early Tuesday
National Weather Service

Excessive heat spreads north on Tuesday

The hot and humid air mass moves a bit more north Tuesday into Wednesday, affecting at least the southern third to half of Minnesota.

Excessive heat warnings are in effect Monday through Wednesday in southwestern Minnesota and farther east and north Tuesday into Wednesday.

MPX adv
Excessive heat warnings take effect Monday southwest and across most of southern Minnesota Tuesday
National Weather Service

Highs Tuesday will be well into the 90s across southern Minnesota with cooler conditions still expected north.

Tue hi 9a
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Dew points could increase into the mid 70s, pushing the heat index well into triple digits across southern Minnesota, which is dangerously hot.

Tue index 9a
Forecast heat index Tuesday afternoon
National Weather Service

High temperatures Wednesday could be the hottest yet with readings into the mid to upper 90s and heat index values again in the triple digits.

Wed hi 9a
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service