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Slightly cooler, pleasant Tuesday; air quality alert west

Most of Minnesota remains dry this week

Tuesday and Wednesday will be pleasant with near average temperatures in the 70s to low 80s. We’ll see partly cloudy skies and dry weather. Things heat up by the end of the week.

Slightly cooler Tuesday with air quality alerts west

Temperatures will be closer to normal, in the 70s and low 80s Tuesday with comfortable dew points and partly cloudy skies.

T anom TUE
Forecast temperature anomalies (depature from normal) Tuesday
NOAA via pivotal weather

There’s an air quality alert for western Minnesota as Canadian wildfire smoke has returned.

AQ alert 5
Air quality alert through early Wednesday west
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

 Check the latest air quality conditions, alerts and forecasts here:

Expect much of the same on Wednesday with temperatures just a bit warmer out west.

Another heat wave develops

The ‘heat dome’ returns by the end of the week into the holiday weekend. Thursday and Friday will be warmer and windy with highs in the mid to upper 80s. Some spots in western Minnesota will hit 90 and 90s will become more widespread across southern Minnesota by the weekend.

fri hi 5
Forecast highs Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather