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Coolest night since May Tuesday night; frost advisory northeast

Sunshine is back Wednesday and warmer temps Thursday

DLH frost
Frost advisory for northeast Minnesota into northwest Wisconsin for Tuesday night into early Wednesday
National Weather Service

A few lingering showers and clouds will be with us Tuesday as chilly air continues to settle in. Overnight Tuesday night will be the coolest since May for many places.

Coolest night in nearly four months Tuesday night

We’ll have lingering showers Tuesday, especially in northeast Minnesota and western Wisconsin.

tue precip 8a
Forecast precipitation 7 a.m. Tuesday through 10 p.m.
College of DuPage Weather

There have been decent pockets of rainfall over the past 24 hours — mainly on the Iron Range and a few lucky swaths of the west metro late Monday night. Notably the area between Hibbing, Virginia and Cotton saw 1 to 3 inches of rainfall.

24 hr rainfall
Rainfall over the past 24 hours through early Tuesday
NOAA via pivotal weather

The Duluth area saw a torrential downpour that dropped 3 to 6 inches of rain in just a 4-square-mile area causing flooding.

Duluth flash flooding radar estimate
Radar estimated rainfall over Duluth Monday night.

Highs Tuesday will be in just the 50s north to 60s south. A few spots in southwest Minnesota will squeeze out a 70 degree high.

tue hi 8a
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Skies will clear this evening, setting us up for a chilly night. In fact, it will be the coolest night since May for most.

tue nt 8a
Forecast lows Tuesday night into early Wednesday
National Weather Service

There’s a frost advisory for much of northeast Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin for late Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning.

DLH frost
Frost advisory for northeast Minnesota into northwest Wisconsin for Tuesday night into early Wednesday
National Weather Service

Summer temperatures return

Sunny skies are back for Wednesday and temperatures will be slightly warmer as a result, but still below normal.

wed hi 8a
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

Thursday will bring a return to summer warmth with above normal temperatures again. Many areas in southern Minnesota will be near 80 degrees.

thu hi 8a
Forecast highs Thursday
National Weather Service

The next upper level disturbance will increase cloud cover Friday and bring another chance of spotty showers. Unfortunately, once again, it will not be a widespread soaking but rather localized rainfall.

thu-fri prec
Forecast precipitation 7 a.m. Thursday through 7 p.m. Friday
College of DuPage Weather