Crime, Law and Justice

Teen arrested after Edina High Snapchat threat

Man in uniform stands beside woman at lectern
Edina Public Schools Superintendent Stacie Stanley, right, speaks to reporters on Friday alongside Police Chief Todd Milburn.
Matt Sepic | MPR News

A 17-year-old boy is being held in the Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly making threats outside Edina High School Thursday afternoon.

FBI agents and officers from the Edina and Minneapolis Police Departments arrested the teen Friday morning on Franklin Ave. in south Minneapolis. Authorities said he is not a former or current student at Edina High School.

Edina Police Chief Todd Milburn said a handgun with an extended magazine can be seen on the teen’s lap. A caption on the video reads "come outside” followed by an expletive.

At a news conference Friday, Milburn said investigators have yet to determine who may have been the target of the threat.

“We’re very early in the investigation, so we hope to come up with more information as we proceed through the rest of the day and into the weekend,” Milburn said.

Milburn did not say if investigators recovered the weapon seen in the Snapchat video.

After hearing about the threat, Edina Superintendent Stacie Stanley said she moved 4,000 students at the high school and neighboring Valley View Middle School to online learning Friday.

“Anytime you see the police chief's phone number come up on your phone at 10:20 at night, you know that it is something serious,” Stanley said. “So I immediately went into the role that I play as a superintendent to make sure that I'm keeping my school community safe.”

Stanley said she allowed after-school activities to continue as normal Friday following the suspect’s arrest.

Milburn said the teen could face felony charges including making threats of violence and carrying a gun on school property. In a text message Friday afternoon, a spokesperson for the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office said that prosecutors had not yet received the case file from police.