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What October? Highs in the 80s return this weekend

Weekend temps will run 10-20 degrees warmer than average

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Here we go again, Minnesota.

Yet another summery air mass will blow into Minnesota this weekend. October is likely to open with highs in the 80s across much of southern and western Minnesota, and 70s up north. The warmup begins in earnest on Thursday, as sunshine returns to most of Minnesota.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Global Forecast System model shows our current low gray cloud deck getting scoured out by Thursday. The loop below runs between 7 a.m. Wednesday and 7 pm Friday.

NOAA GFS model
Global Forecast System model low cloud fraction forecast between Wednesday and Friday
NOAA, via Tropical Tidbits

The return to sunshine means that solar energy will be available to heat the ground and air mass near the surface. Highs will reach the 70s to lower 80s once again Thursday across southern and western Minnesota. Highs in the 60s will linger north.

Forecast high temperatures Thursday
Forecast high temperatures Thursday

Our warmup really kicks into a higher gear Friday through the upcoming weekend. Highs in the 80s will cover much of southern and western Minnesota with 70s up north.

Forecast high temperatures Friday
Forecast high temperatures Friday

Summery weekend ahead

Still looking to get in a few more summertime activities before our weather turns inevitably colder? This is your weekend. High temperatures will push well into the 80s in the south.

Forecast high temperatures Saturday
Forecast high temperatures Saturday

The average high on Sunday, Oct. 1 for the Twin Cities is 66 degrees. Highs on Sunday and Monday will run 10 to 20 degrees warmer than average across most of Minnesota for the first days of October.

NOAA’s eight to 14-day temperature outlook favors warmer than average temperatures overall into mid-October!

NOAA 8 to 14-day temperature outlook
8 to 14-day temperature outlook

Enjoy our supersized summer as it lingers well into October this year.