Morning Edition

Families flock to Richfield backyard for 'duck encounters'

A duck sits on the ground, facing the camera.
Gilly sits in the Heinen's Richfield backyard during a duck encounter on Oct. 5. Craig and Dana Heinen host duck encounters in their Richfield, Minn., backyard. Visitors can meet their flock: Gilly, Lefse and Chelan.
Gracie Stockton | MPR News

In one Richfield backyard, there isn’t your usual lawn furniture or swing set. Instead, there’s a royal blue, pink and turquoise hand-painted duck coop, multiple miniature swimming pools and a garden featuring one of the Heinen fowls’ favorites: tomatoes. 

Craig and Dana Heinen started offering “duck encounters” with their flock last spring after several Facebook posts and reactions featuring pictures of Gilly, Chelan and Lefse garnered curious and amused reactions from the community. The couple had already offered flock sitting for backyard chicken and duck owners going out of town. And as both often or entirely work from home, the small business expansion seemed logical. 

A parent and child hold food for ducks.
Craig Heinen helps a young visitor feed the ducks dried mealworms — a favorite snack.
Gracie Stockton | MPR News

“I think I spend more time with them than some people spend with their kids,” Dana said. 

“I read something last week that said — at least for millennials maybe — that pets are the new kids and plants are the new pets,” Craig said. 

Now, for $30, a group of four can spend 30-45 minutes getting some waterbird TLC. That includes holding, petting and feeding the ducks, along with digging for worms, getting a coop tour and learning about their care. Craig Heinen says it’s perfect for everyone, whether a bird owner looking to expand their flock or an intrigued child wanting to learn about pets beyond your average cat or dog. 

And, as 9-year-old Rory, almost-2-year-old Ender and their nanny Daniella learned, such a visit is simply delightful. 

Listen to the audio postcard — and hear the ducks say hello — by clicking on the player above.