Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Rain eased drought conditions across most of Minnesota

Extreme drought hangs on in far SE Minnesota

drought 10-19
The latest drought conditions report for Minnesota
National Drought Mitigation Center

After heavy rainfall late last week, drought conditions continue to improve significantly for most of Minnesota. Drought hangs on for most of north-central to southeastern Minnesota.

Recent heavy rains eased drought

We have the best looking drought monitor map for Minnesota in months. After yet another heavy rainfall — our third in three weeks with amounts greater than 1.5 inches — it’s having a major impact on drought conditions.

Take a look at rainfall amounts over the past seven days:

7 day rainfall
Rainfall over the past 7 days
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Extreme drought now only exists in southeastern Minnesota in Mower and Fillmore counties. Most of the Twin Cities metro area now is classified as abnormally dry with moderate drought just in the southwestern suburbs. Eastern and western Minnesota has seen the most improvement.

drought 10-19
The latest drought monitor for Minnesota
National Drought Mitigation Center

When we compare this week’s drought monitor to last, we can see the areas of improvement largely in southern Minnesota thanks to last week’s late week rainfall.

drought compare 10-19
Comparing this week's drought monitor to last week's
National Drought Mitigation Center

We still have large swaths of the state that are several inches behind over the past six months, namely north-central Minnesota and southeastern Minnesota. Those areas are still classified as in severe drought.

6 mo precip
Precipitation anomalies (departure from normal) over the past 6 months
WeatherBELL Analytics

Rainfall this week was pretty light but we could see some substantial precipitation again late next week, keeping with what’s become a wet pattern in recent weeks.