Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Fog/slushy roads in parts of SE Minnesota Sun. AM; snow in Wisconsin

Mild temps today

Periods of snow overnight plus patchy light snow and sprinkles this morning have left a slippery coating of snow, slush and patchy ice on several southeastern Minnesota roads.

The blue-shaded roads on the following map were partially covered with snow or slush at 8:40 a.m. Sunday:

Southeastern Minnesota road conditions at 8:40 a.m. Sunday
Minnesota Department of Transportation

Some icy spots were also reported.

There are also some areas of dense fog in southeastern Minnesota and southwestern Wisconsin this morning. Snow continues in much of Wisconsin today, mixed with rain in some areas. A winter weather advisory for 2 to 4 inches of snow covers parts of northeastern Wisconsin until 3 p.m. today.

Slippery stretches were reported on many Wisconsin roads Sunday morning:

Wisconsin road conditions 8:50 a.m. Sunday
Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Minnesota road conditions can be found here. Wisconsin road conditions can be found here.

Snow chances linger in some areas

Patches of snow or a mix of snow/light rain will continue into early afternoon in parts of southeastern Minnesota and west-central Wisconsin. A passing flurry or sprinkle is possible Sunday morning in the Twin Cities metro area. Portions of northeastern Minnesota, especially near Lake Superior, could see some light snow or flurries at times today. Light snow showers are also possible into Sunday afternoon in northwestern Wisconsin.

Steadier snow is expected today in central Wisconsin and parts of eastern Wisconsin, with a mix of light rain and snow in some areas.

Sunday highs

Sunday highs will be in the 30s in most areas:

Sunday forecast highs
National Weather Service


A new Updraft will be posted around 10:40 a.m. today. It will include a look at the week ahead.

Programming note

You can hear my live weather updates on MPR News at 7:35 a.m., 9:35 a.m. and 4:39 p.m. each Saturday and Sunday