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Near-record warmth Thursday; cooler weekend with snow showers possible

While cooler this weekend, it will still be above normal

thu hi 8
Forecast highs Thursday
National Weather Service

Near-record highs are possible Thursday with temperatures running 15 to 30 degrees above normal. Minnesota will see snow showers to the north on Friday and statewide by Saturday.

Cooler readings are in store for the weekend but temperatures will still be above normal.

Anomalous warmth Thursday into Friday

A very mild day is on the way Thursday. Near-record highs are possible Thursday afternoon for a few spots. The record is 54 degrees in the Twin Cities, 49 in Eau Claire, Wis., and 53 in the Fargo-Moorhead area.

Potential record highs are highlighted below with a box around the forecast high temperature. 

thu records
Forecast potential record highs (boxed) Thursday afternoon
WeatherBELL Analytics

Friday will continue to be mild for southern Minnesota while northern Minnesota starts to see cooler air move in.

fri hi 8
Forecast highs Friday
National Weather Service

Cooler weekend temps; snow showers possible

A clipper system is pulling in the cooler air to the north Friday and statewide for the weekend. It will also produce some rain and snow showers for northern and especially northwestern Minnesota Friday into Friday night.

At least light snow showers will spread across the state on Saturday. 

fri-sat precip 8
Forecast precipitation 12 a.m. Friday through 12 p.m. Saturday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal weather

Parts of northwestern Minnesota could see up to 2 or 3 inches of snow while southern Minnesota could see a coating to about one-half inch of snow Saturday. Pictured below are the forecast high end, or 90th percentile, snowfall amounts. 

snow MN
Forecast potential high end (top 10 percent) snowfall amounts through Saturday evening
National Weather Service

It will be cooler for the weekend but still above normal slightly with highs mostly in the 30s in southern Minnesota and 20s north. 

sat-sun hi
Forecast highs Saturday and Sunday
National Weather Service

By mid to late next week more mild air is expected with highs potentially in the 40s again for southern Minnesota. 

next thu
Forecast highs next Thursday potentially
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather