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Climbing the temperature ladder again this week

Another Super El Niño-spawned December warm front on the way

Forecast high temperatures on Christmas Eve
Forecast high temperatures on Christmas Eve
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

‘Twas the week before Christmas. And not a cold front is stirring for the Upper Midwest as we look ahead to the Christmas holiday weekend.

A rainy, brown-green Christmas in Minnesota? These are not your grandparent’s Minnesota winters anymore.

Our properly brisk Monday gives way to another warm front Tuesday. Southwest winds will blow in milder air once again from the snow-free zone to Minnesota’s south and west.

Snow depth
Snow depth Monday afternoon

That means without fresh snow cover most of the sun’s energy will be available to warm up the “low albedo” brown landscape.

Albedo of various landscapes (image via University of Arizona
Paul Hutter | MPR News

Keep in mind the average high and low in the Twin Cities by Christmas Day are 26 and 12 degrees.

Highs Tuesday will reach 40 degrees once again across southwestern Minnesota.

Forecast high temperatures Tuesday
Forecast high temperatures Tuesday

By this weekend highs will soar through the 40s, with 50s south.

Forecast high temperatures Saturday3
Forecast high temperatures Saturday

And record highs in the 40s to 50s look likely on Christmas Eve.

Forecast high temperatures on Christmas Eve
Forecast high temperatures on Christmas Eve